Rescue, Rehabilitation Missions

Sun, That Will Never Rise – Destiny of Pakistani Christians in Bangkok

Sun, That Will Never Rise – Destiny of Pakistani Christians in Bangkok
Darkness in Pakistan & darkness in Bangkok, this is the life what 4000 Pakistani Christians are living right now in Thailand. They wait for the sun that will never rise. They hope for a life with freedom but seems like the misery is not going to end in the near future as they have been abandoned and forgotten by the international institutions which can indeed help them in fulfilling their dreams. Their only hope is Lord Jesus Christ who they believe will get them out of this painful situation and they will also be able to be witness to the sunrise.

By Max Gibson

Max Gibson, also known as Mosheh, holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and has competed on his college's crew, cross country and track and field teams. Max co-founded the College Republicans and has run successful businesses, including Apex Web Services, which serves as CTO for non-profits Farrukh Saif Foundation and 'Emergency Committee to Save the Persecuted and Enslaved.' He has been in a leadership position in the non-profit sector since 2011. In addition to his business pursuits, Max is a combat veteran of three major wars and is known for his generosity and strong belief in God.