Refugee Project

FSF Spotted by CBN

We are always standing with our brothers and sisters according to “Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”. These Words encouraged us to do more for our persecuted brethren. It was not easy situation for us in Bangkok when in 2014 we started our operation for Pakistani Christian Asylum seekers.

In last two years there will be only few persons who were not supported by Farrukh Saif Foundation, otherwise almost 99% of the Pakistani Christian Asylum Seekers and Refugees have been solely supported and helped by Farrukh Saif Foundation through the support and generosity of our family, friends and International partner.

Since last six months we were in a process of setting up our International Setup and now once again we are in a position to make a difference through our work for the Christian Asylum seekers and persecuted Christian Communities in Pakistan and Thailand.

Recently we were spotted by the CBN over the issue of Pakistani Asylum seekers in Thailand; watch the Interview of Humayun Sunil, Director Farrukh Saif Foundation.

By Max Gibson

Max Gibson, also known as Mosheh, holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and has competed on his college's crew, cross country and track and field teams. Max co-founded the College Republicans and has run successful businesses, including Apex Web Services, which serves as CTO for non-profits Farrukh Saif Foundation and 'Emergency Committee to Save the Persecuted and Enslaved.' He has been in a leadership position in the non-profit sector since 2011. In addition to his business pursuits, Max is a combat veteran of three major wars and is known for his generosity and strong belief in God.