Global News - Redeem the Oppressed

Understanding Institutionalized Discrimination: A Deep Dive

Institutionalized discrimination is a pervasive issue characterized by the unfair treatment of individuals or groups by various societal entities, including governments, corporations, financial bodies, public institutions, and more. This form of discrimination arises from systemic stereotypes, such as racist or sexist beliefs prevalent in societies where discrimination is normalized. Such biases are often embedded in the institutions’ operating procedures, policies, laws, or goals, profoundly affecting those discriminated against.

Pakistan’s Flawed Education System and Its Impact on Minorities

In Pakistan, the education system is marred by corruption and discrimination, particularly against the Christian minority. The lack of minority seats in Muslim-dominated institutions severely hinders the educational prospects and growth of Christians in the sector. This discrimination extends to grading systems, where Muslim children may receive bonus points for reciting Quranic verses, a benefit not extended to Christian children. Consequently, Christians often receive a lesser quality education, leading to lower employment opportunities and perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

Government-funded schools, sadly reminiscent of ancient times in terms of resources, often become the only option for less fortunate Christian families. However, these schools do not provide the quality education necessary for uplifting the community, effectively forcing many Christians into low-paying jobs due to inadequate educational foundations.

The Gap Between Legal Rights and Reality

Despite the constitution guaranteeing equal rights for all citizens, the reality is starkly different for the Christians in Pakistan. Favoritism towards Muslims is rampant, often justified by the concept of “Islamic brotherhood,” making it nearly impossible for non-Muslims to be preferred over Muslims. The deep-seated corruption further complicates matters. Access to prestigious education often depends on one’s ability to leverage contacts and pay bribes rather than on merit or academic ability.

A Call to Action: Supporting Education for Change

There is an urgent need for solutions to address these disparities. The international Christian community and allies should advocate for more educational opportunities for Pakistani Christians, including scholarships and facilitated student loans. Education creates lasting impact, empowering individuals and fostering societal growth far more effectively than short-term aid.

Furthermore, reducing corruption within Pakistan’s education system could be achieved by requiring government officials to enroll their children in government schools. This policy could potentially elevate the standards and condition of public schools by ensuring that those in power have a vested interest in improving the quality of education.


While the challenges are significant, focusing on education and systemic reform can pave the way for a more equitable society. Institutional changes, international support, and local reforms are critical to breaking the cycle of discrimination and corruption in Pakistan’s educational system.

**Take Action**: Advocate for educational reforms and support initiatives that promote quality education for all, regardless of their religious background. Education is not just a tool for personal development; it is a foundation for societal transformation.

_Source article from ECSPE.org_

By Max Gibson

Max Gibson, also known as Mosheh, holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and has competed on his college's crew, cross country and track and field teams. Max co-founded the College Republicans and has run successful businesses, including Apex Web Services, which serves as CTO for non-profits Farrukh Saif Foundation and 'Emergency Committee to Save the Persecuted and Enslaved.' He has been in a leadership position in the non-profit sector since 2011. In addition to his business pursuits, Max is a combat veteran of three major wars and is known for his generosity and strong belief in God.